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Define Charle's law?
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The volume of a given mass of a gas is directly proportional to absolute (Kelvin) temperature at constant pressure

Define Avogadro's Hypothesis?
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Equal volumes of 'ideal' gases at the same temperature and pressure

Define Fick's law?
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Rate of diffusion across a membrane cc concentration gradient.

Define Boyle's law?
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The volume of a given mass of a gas is inversely proportional to pressure if at constant temperature

Define Graham's law?
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Rate of diffusion of 1/molecular weight

Define Henry's law?
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Amount of gas dissolved cc partial pressure of the gas.

Define Fick's law?
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  1. Explain the Summary of Blood Groups?
  2. Who discovered blood grouping?
  3. ABO system of blood grouping is an example of?
  4. The final compatibility test between donor and recipient?
  5. The final compatibility test between donor and recipient?
  6. What is meant by minor cross matching?
  7. Write about the Storage of Blood?
  8. What is the storage time of ACD (Acid-Citrate Dextrose)?
  9. What is the storage time of CPD-A (citrate, phosphate,dextrose-adenine)?
  10. What is the storage form of SAGM (saline, adenine, glucose, mannitol)?




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