Dermatology FMGE Case Based Questions
Mothvani 4-year-old girl brought by her mother to your clinic. She has painful crusted lesions on her face and neck, mostly localized around her mouth. Her face feels hot to the touch. She is otherwise well. What is the single most likely diagnosis?
Banupriya a 36-year-old female came to your hospital, she has a nodular patch on both her shins which is reddish-brown. The nodules are slightly raised above the surrounding skin. She also has a fever and feels unwell. What is the SINGLE most probable diagnosis?
Archana brought her 4-year-old child to your clinic. She complains that he has developed a rash localized at his flexures particularly at the popliteal and antecubital fossae, which manifested this morning. Upon further questioning, it was revealed that the patient had been ill because of an upper respiratory tract infection two days ago. He was diagnosed with eczema a year ago and has been using emollients. He was delivered via uncomplicated vaginal delivery and appears to be healthy and well-nourished. He has no other medical history of note and is taking no other chronic medications. What is the SINGLE most appropriate management for this patient?
Vamsi 39 year old man came to your hospital, he complains of a solitary, shiny, red nodule which has been growing on his nose for several months. It is firm with a central depression. It is 0.6 cm in size. What is the SINGLE most likely diagnosis?
Ajay kumar 28-year-old cab driver presents with an urticarial rash that is very pruritic. Due to his job, he has requested for any medication to help with the itch which will not make him drowsy. What is the SINGLE most appropriate medication to prescribe?
Bakthavachalam 55 year old man complains of nose disfigurement. He has a history of facial erythema particularly on the cheeks and nose. Red papules and pustules have been erupting at intervals over the last 10 years. He notices that his face becomes flushed commonly after consumption of alcohol. On examination, he is noted to have rhinophyma. What is the SINGLE most likely diagnosis?
Mother brought her 9-year-old child to your clinic, child presents with multiple, discrete, pearly white, 2 to 5 mm dome-shaped smooth papules on the face with central umbilication. The lesions appear in clusters. He has a history of atopic eczema. What is the SINGLE most likely diagnosis?
Patal pandy 38-year-old man presents with an acute infection of the skin on the leg. A diagnosis of cellulitis has been made. He has no known allergies. What is the SINGLE best choice of antibiotic to be prescribed?
Subhashini 16-year-old girl has developed an itchy, scaly patch on her scalp. She had a similar patch that cleared spontaneously 2 years ago. Her aunt has a similar undiagnosed rash on the extensor aspects of her elbows and knees. What is the SINGLE most likely diagnosis?
Rathika 32-year-old woman came to your hospital with malaise, fatigue, weight loss, and fever. On examination, a malar rash with sparing of the nasolabial fold can be seen. She also complains of joint stiffness and pain. Her hands are very sensitive to cold and her fingers often turn pale when exposed to cold for a period of time. What is the SINGLE most likely positive antibody?
Dermatology FMGE Case Based Questions
How to Prepare Dermatology for FMGE? | How to Prepare Dermatology for FMGE? |
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