Paediatrics FMGE Case Based Questions
Nikil a 5 year old boy brought by her mother seetha to the emergency department. His mother reports that he has been unwell with a sore throat. He is sitting on his mother’s knee and is tolerating an oxygen mask but looks unwell. He has constant noisy breathing and he is drooling saliva. He has a temperature of 39.0 C. What is the SINGLE most likely diagnosis?
Buji 3 year old chid was brought by her mother with bruising and generalised petechiae that is more prominent over his legs bilaterally. The mother states that the child recovered from the flu 2 weeks ago. On examination, there was no hepatosplenomegaly, no lymph node enlargement. Platelet count is 15000/microlitre. What is the SINGLE most likely diagnosis?
Pappu a 3yrs old child is brought by his mother with bruises and swelling over the medial aspect of the left arm. The mother gives a history of her son falling down the stairs a few hours ago. Bruises on the child’s back and left chest are seen on examination. X-ray of the chest shows multiple callus formation in the ribs. Analgesia has been given. What is the SINGLE most appropriate next step?
Parents of a 2 month old baby are worried about cot death as their close friend recently lost their infant to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). She comes to you asking for advice on the best method to reduce her infant’s risk of SIDS. What is the SINGLE most appropriate advice to give in regards to sleeping position and bedding?
Simran urged to emergency department with her cute 3 year old boy with a history of diarrhoea on and off. She describes the stool as bulky, frothy and difficult to flush. Child looks pale and wasted on examination. What is the SINGLE most likely investigation that would lead to a diagnosis?
Aswariya was worried about her 9 year old girl, known case of asthma, she brought her child with a 1 day history of shortness of breath that is increasing in severity. She had a previous upper respiratory tract infection 1 week prior which had resolved. Chest x-ray reveals bilateral hyperinflation. On arrival, she was given oxygen, nebulized beta-2 agonist, and oral prednisolone. She is now drowsy, respiratory rate is 30 and her SpO2 is 90%. Which of the following is the SINGLE most appropriate investigation?
Rangaraj pandey a 6 year Obese,male came to your clinic ,On examination, moon face, buffalo neck hump ,his BMI is > 95th percentile. His past medical history is significant for a renal transplant. What is the SINGLE most likely diagnosis?
Manisha 4 week old female child was brought by her mother ,she presents with non-specific symptoms such as irritability, poor feeding, vomiting, fever of 39 C and smelly nappies. An Eschericia coli infection was confirmed on a urine culture and she responded well to antibiotics. What is the SINGLE most appropriate next investigation?
Setha 32 year old female brought her 4 year old child to your hospital with the complaint that he has started wetting the bed again. He had previously been dry for a period of seven months but had recently started wetting the bed again at night. This has been occurring regularly, at least once a night, for the past week now. He has no daytime symptoms. The mother describes her son’s birth as uncomplicated. The patient has an older sister who is currently seven years old. She has never wet the bed. The patient is within the 50th centile for height and weight for his age. He has no past medical history of note. A urinalysis was performed in clinic with normal results. What is the SINGLE appropriate action?
A 1 day old male infant has developed abdominal distension, bilious vomiting and meconium ileus was present. Prenatal ultrasound had previously revealed echogenic bowel. Which of the following is the SINGLE most likely diagnosis?
Paediatrics FMGE Case Based Questions
How to Prepare Paediatrics for FMGE? | How to Prepare Paediatrics for FMGE? |
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