Involved in formation of d-TMP from d-UMP?
N5, N10- methylene tetrahydrofolate
UV light damage to DNA leads to?
Formation of pyrimidine dimmers
5-methyl adenosine mutation of DNA leads to?
Deamination to thymidine, DNA repair
Carbomyl Phosphate synthase I found in?
Carbomyl phosphate synthase II is found
Nitrogen donor in carbomyl phosphate
synthase I?

Nitrogen donor in carbomyl phosphate
synthase II?
Orotic aciduria is associated with deficiency of?
Uridine 5 monophosphate synthase
NOT true about pyrimidine metabolism?
Reye syndrome decrease cytosolic carbomyl phosphate
Damage caused to biological system by UV radiation I
Formation of thymidine dimmers