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A 24yo biker has been rescued after being trapped under rocks for almost 12h. He complains of reddish brown urine. His creatinine is 350umol/L and his urea is 15mmol/L. What is the most imp step in the management of this patient?

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A 74yo man who has been a smoker since he was 20 has recently been dx with SCLC. What serum electrolyte picture will confirm the presence of SIADH?

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A man brought into the ED after being stabbed in the chest. Chest is bilaterally clear with muffled heart sounds. BP is 60/nil. Pulse is 120bpm. JVP raised. What is the most likely dx?

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A 50yo pt is admitted for elective herniorraphy. Which of the following options will lead to a postponement of the operation?

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A 32yo woman of 39wks gestation attends the antenatal day unit feeling very unwell with sudden onset of epigastric pain associated with nausea and vomiting. Her temp is 36.7C. Exam: she is found to have RUQ tenderness. Her blood results show mild anemia, low platelets, elevated liver enzymes and hemolysis. What is the most likely dx?

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A woman comes with an ulcerated lesion 3 cm in the labia majorum. What is the lymphatic drainage of this area?

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A man post-cholecystectomy presented with jaundice, fever and dark urine. What is the most diagnostic inv?

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A 79yo stumbled and sustained a minor head injury 2 weeks ago. He has become increasingly confused, drowsy and unsteady. He has a GCS of 13. He takes warfarin for Afib. What is the most likely dx?

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A 25yo female complains of intermittent pain in her fingers. She describes episodes of numbness and burning of the fingers. She wears gloves whenever she leaves the house. What is the most probable dx?

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A 22yo lady has been unwell for some time. She came to the hospital with complaints of fever and painful vesicles in her left ear. What is the most probable dx?

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